Entering Death Valley from the west via Hwy 190 offers some of the most awe inspiring scenery on the planet with a motorcycle ride to match! I started this route in Ridgecrest and made a little jog up 9 MIle Canyon Road because if you´re in the area this is not to be missed.
Heading east from 395, Hwy 190 runs flat across Owens Valley with the Sierras in your mirror and the Panamint Range up ahead. Across the valley the road turns south and begins to climb. Things get interesting right away, and it pretty much doesn´t stop until you get off your bike in Beatty. Taking in the vistas, the thought that kept coming to mind was, \"how did this happen??\" Amazing.
The road surface is smooth with nary a pot hole or tar snake along the entire route but for a few miles coming into Stovepipe Wells. That was also amazing. The area is nearly completely absence of LEOs. Gas is sparse but not too bad with stations in Beatty, Pahrump and Furnace Creek. Keep it topped off just in case.
Also see my ride post on Beatty-Badwater-Jubilee Pass which is also a part of DV