This route is very popular with local bikers during good weather season. Very nice mixture of long and short corners, a couple of safe overtaking places for more powerful bikes, good road surface and few turn-offs. This route also has a large roundabout at each end so this route can be repeated as many times as desired!
EddRS125This route used to be one of my favourites in this area with an overall rating I would give as very good, but as with most A-roads in Warwickshire it has recently been spoiled somewhat by a blanket 50mph speed limit along the whole Warwickshire section between Southam and Banbury.
garysetchThis used to be part of a 80 mile circuit i did whenever I had the chance. Oxford to Chipping Norton, via minor roads. then to Banbury A361 very fast, then follow the A361 up to Southam and back on the A423.
Best section, a set of hairpins just out side southam, from memory there is 3 or 4 in a row.(Then a layby you can turn in to do them again. and again. and agian...) Followed by some long fast corners that are oopen so you can lean right over...
Not all that interesting, but probably better than other roads in the area.
TeeBeeReally nice little bit of road nice and quiet and fast enough to be interesting. Id recommend linking it to the A422 that goes from Banbury back to stratford this is an awesome bit of road always quiet and lots of high speed sections
Matbmx100Ridden on a fine May bank holiday Monday afternoon this road was a delight - good surfaces, wide sweeping bends and fine straight sections with some sweeping gradients to make it more interesting. There was hardly any traffic as this road is paralleled by the M40 for the whole of this section.