Leave Bacup on A671 to Burnley, watch speed through village of Weir, over Deerplay summit the drop down to Burnley is a nice twist ride. At lights give it a sharp right on A646 to Todmorden (Tod) again twisty ride. Tod centre roundabout left on A646 (Halifax Rd) to Hebden Bridge, touristy, but plenty of places for a coffee and bacon butty. Leave on A646 towards Halifax, take sign to Sowerby Bridge (right turn A6139) drop down hill to town centre at bottom right A58 towards Rochdale, fork right at Ripponden A58 ( bumpy and woolly things on road) over Blackstone Edge and down into Littleborough. Immediately after railway bridge right at lights A6033 to Tod, gentle ride. With railway arches on left, take left turn A681 back to Bacup (twisty, very bumpy and woolly things on road. Alternative to stop at Hollingworth Lake, biker meet place, when at Littleborough (left before railway bridge)