a regular part of my summer early evening loop, can link this with Norwood Edge and Sun Inn
coolbikesofharrogateAgree great, but short ride. Watch out for the odd slow car though. Steep drop at end keeps you on your toes.
Wil88Rode this today for the first time,obviously its fresh turf for myself so i thought it was really good,although 120% alertness was in order i felt,which i think is fair comment for unknown roads..
Kinda went down a car wide road passing a farm on my left and for a couple of miles it ended up being 1st gear dabbing front brake steeply downhill twisty road,this obviously was meant for landrovers and mountain bikes,oh did i mention the manure all over the corners,was an experience id like not to repeat although i DID have a smile on my face when i got to the bottom...
I have ridden this road a few times now as an alternative, its a good surface and not too heavy with traffic with some nice bends and ups and downs. The only trouble is that it is toooo short!!!
Stephenphave used this route quite a few times and always enjoy it but there are one or two sharpe corners on elevation changes so be aware i have also seen cops not in cars but stood at the side of the road presume a car was hidden somewhere near by only saw her at last minuet but slowed enough this was on a weekend though may be safer mid week
glennVery good road ... If heading North out of Otley this road is an excellent alternative to going past the Sun Inn.
A good combination of straights and corners ... some well sighted some not and nice elevation changes. A few opportunities to really get cranked over ... be careful of the odd slow moving vehicle and side junctions though.